Claim for PetCare
PetCare Claim Process
Each claim is different, let us guide you through your claim:
File your claim
Please fill in petcare claim form and mail the original 1supporting documents to Liberty at One Raffles Quay #25-01 North Tower Singapore 048583.
1Supporting documents:
- Documentary proof of ownership of insured pet
- Relevant documents pertaining to the nature of claim
- Illness - original vet bills, vet reports, duly completed medical report from attending vet
- Accidental injury - original vet bills, vet reports, duly completed medical report from attending vet
- Accidental death - vet report stating cause and time of death
- Injury to a third party - original medical invoices, medical reports; doctor's memo stating nature/cause of injury
- Theft - AVA/SPCA lost & stolen reference number; copy of police report lodged in Singapore
Please note the above list of documents is not exhaustive. We will contact you directly if other documents are required.
You will receive an acknowledgement from Liberty that we have received your claim submission.
Process your claim
Upon receiving all original documents, Liberty will process your claim.
Receive your claim amount
You will receive an email from Liberty that payment will be processed to the mode of payment that you have selected.