Contact Us

Contact Us

We are here to help

The easiest way to get answers to your customer support questions by choosing one of the options below to get in touch with us 

24-Hour Assistance

Within Singapore: 1800-LIBERTY (5423 789)

Outside Singapore: (65) 6338 0990


Liberty Helpline (24-Hour Assistance Hotline)

For Emergency Medical, Travel & Home Assistance only:

(65) 6636 1131


Email Us


Do Not Call/Personal Data Protection

For enquiries relating to Do Not Call/Personal Data Protection, please write to us at:

One Raffles Quay #25-01 North Tower

Singapore 048583

Attention to: Data Protection Officer



At Liberty, we value your feedback as it helps us enhance our services and products. Regardless of whether it is a feedback or a complaint, we are constantly striving to enhance our service to you. If you have any suggestions about our products or services and how we can improve, we would like to hear from you.



We can understand that if we have fallen short of your expectations, you might want to lodge a complaint. All complaints are investigated swiftly and thoroughly – we have a complaints handling process which is summarized below.

  1. Process

    Please write directly to us at An acknowledgement will be provided to you within 3 business days of receiving the complaint. If the complaint takes longer to resolve, you will receive a regular written update on the progress of the investigation within 14 business days from the last communication.

  2. Financial Industry Disputes Resolution Centre Ltd (FIDReC)

    If you are not satisfied with the resolution of your complaint, you may approach the Financial Industry Disputes Resolution Centre Ltd (FIDReC), an independent and impartial institution that resolves consumer financial disputes through mediation and adjudication. Currently, FIDReC’s services are available to consumers, who are individuals or sole-proprietors, for claims against financial institutions.


    FIDReC's contact details are:
    Address: 36 Robinson Road, City House, #15-01, Singapore 068877 
    Phone: +65 6327 8878 
    Fax: +65 6327 1089 

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Please note that all in-person servicing requests and meetings are by appointment only.  

Our Address

One Raffles Quay #25-01 North Tower Singapore 048583

Operating Hours

Monday to Friday: 8.30am – 5.30pm