Claim for HomeCare

Claim for HomeCare

HomeCare Claims Process

Each claim is different, let us guide you through your claim:

step 1

File your claim

  • Fill in the claim form (HomeCare) if it is for loss or damage to building, renovations, improvements, contents, personal and family liability related
  • Fill in the claim form (Personal Accident) if it is for Personal Accident related
  • Please call Liberty at 1800-LIBERTY (5423 789) or contact your agent in case of fire and water damage
File your claim
step 2


You will receive an acknowledgement from Liberty that we have received your claim submission.

step 3

Process your claim

Upon receiving all original documents, Liberty will process your claim.

Process your claim
step 4

Receive your claim amount

You will receive an email from Liberty that payment will be processed to the mode of payment that you have selected.

Receive your claim amount

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Emergency Home Assistance

  2. What are the supporting documents required for claims on loss or damage to building, renovations, improvements and contents?

  3. What are the supporting documents required for claims on third party legal liability?

  4. What are the supporting documents required for claims on personal accident - death ?

  5. What are the supporting documents required for claims on personal accident - permanent disability?